The female body is a complex machine and one that is not always easy to figure out, especially when you are trying to get pregnant. A lot of the time you will feel slightly different in some way or another and the sheer hope of being pregnant will lead you to believe that you are pregnant. Unfortunately, a lot of the time this is not the case and you will find yourself being disappointed. If you are suffering from premenstrual cramps approximately two weeks before you are actually due to have your period it does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. Usually, if you do experience early cramping before you are due your period that does not mean that you are pregnant it will be much closer to your period date, normally around two or three days before. Some people do believe that the cramps that are around two weeks before your period are due can be a result of you ovulating but really it is simply too early to tell. There is only one sure fire way to tell whether you are pregnant or not and that is to take a pregnancy test. It is advisable to wait until after your period is due before you take one, normally wait at least a week or so after the date to be sure. Whether the pregnancy test is positive or negative it is always a good idea to go and see your doctor or physician for a definitive answer.
If none of you have read the book "Taking charge of your fertility" I highly reccomend it. It is so informative and helps give you a lot of insight as to what your cycle is doing and why. But sometimes there are still unexplained questions because all of us are different. I have been having cramps for almost 2 weeks as well. I should be getting my period this weekend if I am not pregnant. We are trying so I am hoping that these cramps are an indication of God working in my womb, but I just don't know. I guess like all of you I will have to wait to see if I get my period by Sunday. If not....than I am 95% sure that I am pregnant. Day 16, I can take a pregnancy test to see. Good luck to all of you who are trying.
It is too early to say that you are pregnant or not. Normally most women do not feel about pregnancy until one month is about to complete.
The only way to know about your pregnancy is pregnancy test. But I still believe that it is too early to do the test. Wait for your period date and then take the test.
That may be when you are ovulating. If cramping more to one side than other, that is indicative of ovulation. The ovary may cramp some when releasing the egg. Good luck!
I have the same thing going on... I am only 20 and I don't really want a baby... But I've been cramping for the past couple of days... Not badly but slight cramping... I had sex with my ex 3 times 3 weeks and 6 days ago... I took a pregnancy test and it was negative... I've also have been experiencing sore breast and I've been extremly tired... My last period started july 25... So was it to early for me to take a test... And can somebody explain to me why I'm cramping... I've never experience cramping before my period... {{ EVER!!! }}... Somebody please HELP!!!
Probably you're ovulating! If you are that means if you have unprotected sex you'll get pregnant or if you don't your period will be here soon! I recommend that if your period doesn't come on a few weeks and you still cramping you should see your doctor!
Hi there, I'm new to this site, but reading your question, ive had the same thing, I started getting period cramps 2 days after I think I ovulated (about 2 weeks before due on) and weren't too sure why, neva had that before, then they carried on for another few days, ive had no spotting or bleeding, weren't pain, but I normally only experience period cramps a couple of days weren't before I come on, I did query this on other sites, but all people say is that you can get cramps like that, during ovulation or as a sign of pregnancy, but if its a sign of pregnancy it wouldnt b that early anyways, cause that would be implantation bleeding and it doesnt happen straight away. So I'm unsure what it cud be.
I too have been cramping for a week or so and my period isn't due til the 7th of June. I I have a low hard cervix at this point with lotion like cm will have to wait to test until tuesday
Getting pregnant depends on when you ovulate. If you are on a 28 day cycle (most women are) then you would ovulate 14 days after the first day or their last period. Which is 14 days before your first day of your next period. But not every women has a 28 day cycle and for the ones that do not all of them ovulate 14 days after their first day of their last period. So if you would like to know when you ovulate to get pregnant then you can try an ovulation kit that you can get from your local drugstore or supermarket.I also have many suggestions about the ovulation through Ovulation Calendar Calculator The directions are in the box and they usually work. Anyway good luck!
That is actually quite normal. Some people get premenstrual cramps two weeks before and some two days before and this can differ month to month. I usually expect a month with low exercising with more cramps and vice versa. The cramps could be controlled with a heating pad if it bothers you, and it could even be due to something you are eating that you're allergic to. Here are a pregnancy pregnancy calculator app, through which you easily track your pregnancy week by week.
If you already had your periods and currently not bleeding then your cramps can not be due to periods. These cramps can be due to other problem. If your periods ended one week ago then these cramps can be indication of ovulation because some ladies can have pain at that time. You can also get advice from your doctor if cramps persist.
Ok so I looked up "if you have cramps does that always mean your getting your period?" I can't find an answer so could someone answer this question for me?? I hate getting my period!!! And I was also wondering if you eventually get used to it. I am 12 and I've had periods off and on for about 10 months.
Keep in mind that I'm sick and have been stressed out lately. Maybe I have cramps because of that????
Hi I have more of a question. I had my period on april 3 and was due for another on may 1, instead, on april 29 and 30 I had brownish bleeding and on may 1 I had lightish red blood, on may 2 I had some lightish red blood and then brownish blood for half that day. I went to the doctor for a scheduled pap smear and she couldnt do my pap because I was traces of spotting. I took a blood test and it came back negative. Could it just have been too early to test positive.
I'm 17teen yearsss old and my last period was on Dec 1 , 2010 . I checked my calendar and it said on Dec 12 , 2010 I was medium high fertile . My boyfriend nutted in me twicee . My period is supposed taa come Dec 29 ,, 2010 I have been havinq cramps for about 2 1/2 week's ! Cannn I be pregnant !?