
What Are The Types Of Abortion?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One type of abortion is a miscarriage , sorry thats all I know
Mahwash Marcel Profile
Mahwash Marcel answered
The various types of abortion are as follows:

1. Spontaneous abortion
Spontaneous abortion is the expulsion of the fetus and other products of conception from the uterus before the fetus is capable of living outside of the uterus.

Spontaneous abortions are further divided into six types. They are as follows:
a. Threatened abortion: is characterized by cramping and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy with no cervical dilation. It may subside or an incomplete abortion may follow.
b. An imminent or inevitable abortion is characterized by bleeding, cramping and cervical dilation. Termination cannot be prevented.
c. An incomplete abortion is characterized by expulsion of only part of the products of conception (usually the fetus). Bleeding occur with cervical dilation.
d. A complete abortion is characterized by complete expulsion of all products of conception.
e. A missed abortion is characterized by early fetus intrauterine death without expulsion of the products of conception. The cervix is closed, and the client may report dark brown vaginal discharge. Pregnancy test findings are negative.
f. Recurrent (habitual) abortion is spontaneous abortion of three or more consecutive pregnancies.
g. Gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole) is an alteration of an early embryonic growth causing rapid placental disruption, rapid proliferation of abnormal cells, and destruction of the embryo. There are two distinct types of hydatidiform mole --- complete and partial.
a. In a complete mole, the chromosomes are either 46 XX of 46 XY but are contributed by only one pair and the chromosome material is duplicated. This type usually leads to choriocarinoma.
b. A partial mole has 69 chromosomes. There are three chromosomes for every pair instead of two. This type of mole rarely leads to choriocarinoma.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know to tell the Truth
Sujit Pradhan Profile
Sujit Pradhan answered
Two types of abortion:1-habitual abortion,2-threatened abortion.Also:incomplete abortion,induced abortion,legal abortion,spontaneous abortion,therapeutic abortion.

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