I'm 1 Month Pregnant , I Don't Want The Baby And I Don't Have The Money, What Should I Do?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 49 years old, I am Seck since 1997, I am taking medication and I have 4 children.I am 1 month pregnant, please what can I do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know I am pregnant or not. But I don't want another baby. I have already 1 year baby. I want postponment.
jessica arzola Profile
jessica arzola answered
I think you should give it up to a loving family, that's the best for the child I think, if you can't care for it. Just take a look into it. Doesn't hurt to try. But to tell you, it is vary hard to give up your own child. Do what is best for the child, that's all I got to say, and don't keep the baby if you are going to hurt it in any way. Give it up before anything happens. Just think, and think, and see if this is what you really want.
thanked the writer.
louise taylor
louise taylor commented
U people telling her to give it up to a loving family oh my god, shut up, she wouldnt be able to live with herself knowing that someone else has got her baby, its rather keep it or get rid of it before its formed, stop telling her to get the baby adopted
Anne Roy Profile
Anne Roy answered
There are people like myself who are looking to adopt a newborn baby.
Tcher8282 Profile
Tcher8282 answered
I am Tcherlendra My email is tcher8282@yahoo.com My partner and I want a baby but my tubes are tied email me and ill email you my number so we can discuss this. We would love a baby! Thanx.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

If anyone knows someone who is about a month pregnant and doesn.t want baby I am looking to adopt a child because I can't have children. 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Please if you don't want your baby thier a lot of people who love to give your baby a good home don't feel bad about not wanting your baby some people its just not right at the time but you can't help people that me that can't have one on their own and know that your baby will be loved my name is anjelica call me 505 801 5117
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Call me I want a baby more han ne thing I would gladly adopt my name is jena 814-215-9592
Mati green Profile
Mati green answered
Check with your county social services as to your viable options. If you're not financially able to have the child and decide you want it then you can get help from the county... No shame in asking for help when you need it.. That's what its there for. If you decide you absolutely don't want to go through the pregnancy then they can direct you in the right direction to have the procedure done in a safe sterile environment. If they don't offer that option, but you don't want to raise the child, then they can help you in placing the baby with a loving caring family. Good luck Hon...Please keep us informed as to your progress.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should give the baby up for adoption to a family that's going to love an care for him/her. It some people that can't have a baby an would love to have one I know its go be hard giving your baby up but its better than getting an abortion.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
You could be a surrogate for someone who does want a child, or you can put it up for adoption. I am pro life, so no way I would recommend an abortion, but that is up to you. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
thanked the writer.
Kristi commented
I don't not believe in abortion as a method of birth control like repeatedly getting pregnant and having an abortion, but depending on your circumstances it could be an option. I had an abortion in the beginning of 2008. I did not know who I was pregnant by and I am a recovering addict, so I didn't know if the baby would be healthy. None can tell you how to handle this. Do what your heart says and don't let anyone talk you down about your desicion. Good luck!
Anonymous commented
Give you AND your baby a chance at a life~you don't need a lecture right now~ you need advice~My husband and I would Love to adopt your baby~please email me with your thoughts and questions~we will give your baby a good life. Lorrie
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How am I going to support my baby?
Should I abort my baby,because I can't support it?
Da man I'm pregnant by don't want da baby what should I do?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can I ask what your age is? If you decide to keep the baby, and I'm not insinuating that you wouldn't, but, please, please, pleeeeeeeeezzzzz, take care of that child and love it more than life itself. There are wwway too many children in this world, in this country alone, who are neglected emotionally. Enjoy, and yes, cherish, every waking moment because it will be gone sssoooooo fast and you might look back when he/she is a teen or in their 20's and realize what you missed out on, or what memories you could have created for the child, the guilt of not being there emotionally as a mom, a confidant, a teacher, a protector and a friend will not only haunt you, but hurt your child.
I understand, if you are poverty stricken and absolutely cannot afford to raise a child or whatever extenuating circumstances there might be that would simply not be good for a child. But again, if you decide to bring this baby into the world, please remember, it was your choice to bring him or her here, not the child's, and it deserves to be have a mommy who is 100% on it's side and who it can trust from day 1. As a mother of 3, I can honestly say, yes, children are costly, noisy & exhausting at times, but that's what they are. We all were the same rugrats when we were children also. We forget sometimes what it feels like to be yelled at or to see our parents angry or upset, or be told "I'm too tired to play a game with you now". They didn't force me to bring them here, it was my idea, and they deserve the best. I don't have a lot of money to give them or put them into expensive colleges, but I have a ton of love, joy & RESPECT for them and that...for any child...is worth more than all the money or any ivy-league college in the world. Good luck to you~~~ God Bless~~

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