I am fifty years old and I haven't had a period in 2 years. I just started having sex again and wondered if I could get pregnant.
Can I Get Pregnant Without Having A Period For A Year Or Two? I Want To If I Can Still Ovulate Without A Period.
I have not had a period in four years .And can I be pregnant cause for a few weeks I have been really tired and feeling sick but can't
I have not had my period for about 2 1/2 yrs,after having a surgical procedure called Uteral Coterization. I had the surgery due to such heavy bleeding and painful periods. I am wondering can I still get pregnant ???
If you are not ovulating then you can't get pregnant. You are not having period that means you are not ovulating. You have to consult some fertility specialist for advice. Once you get on track by some dietary modification and birth control pills, you have a good chance to get pregnant then.
I really want to have a baby but I can't get pregnant. Because I don't get my period. What can I do to get my period every month or get pregnant?
I have not had a period in 2 years but started to have pain in my lower right side.could I be pregnant??
I would doubt that very much. The period is the process whereby the old eggs are being flushed away in order for the new egg cycle to begin. See your doctor anyway, better to be safe than sorry.
I am 20 years old and I had not had a period in 2 years well I was having un protected sex and all of a sudden I started again after I had sex about three weeks ago could I be pregnant??
I am 21 years old I have one daughter and sence I had her in 2008 I have not gotten my period. And I also had really bad cyst on my right overy I have not been on bc sence 08 and I just got married in sept of this year we want kids but I do not understand my hole period thing anyone one
This is something you will need the advise from your GYN on because of your history. I really don't think you can have a baby on your own but there is always other ways.
I am in the exact same position a the first question asked. No period for 2years since having my daughter. I'm 23 and trying for another baby but nothings happened so far. Getting worried now but don't want to be poked and prodded by docs