Can You Get Pregnant After A Abortion?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had an abortion a month and a half ago. I recently just got pregnant again. A lot of people told me you are more likely to get pregnant right after the abortion obviously they were right!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had am abortion 2 month and a half ago can I get pregnant
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ive had abortion and I havent had a period in 9weeks am I pregnant
laurie gregory Profile
laurie gregory answered
I had one when I was 18. I have two healthy kids now. Just be careful from now on.  Pulling out doesn't work always, since they ejaculate a little before the big one.  Use birth control pills or condoms.
edward tinch Profile
edward tinch answered
Well, the pre cum does contain an amount of semen. Even though you had an abortion you may still be able to get pregnant.  But, I would wait a while before attempting sex because all your inside organs are tender and vulnerable to disease. Thank you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes pre cum can get you pregnant. If there is an egg for sperm to fertilize pregnancy is possible at any time.... Yes there are times when it is less likely to get pregnant, and each woman's cycle is different. If the two of you do not want a child you should use some form of protection like birth control and condoms. Remember birth control takes 30 or more days to be sufficient in protecting against pregnancy and it is not 100% effective so wear condoms and/or use spermicides. Right now Gottheinfo is right you should give it some time and let your insides heal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I had an abortion when I was 17 and I'm now I'm 25 good job and happily married and I just found out I'm pregnant we tried to get pregnant and we got it on the first try I'm 7 weeks along now so abortion is very safe its there to help because when I was 17 I had my whole life and there was no way I could look after a child when I was still a child but safe sex is always a good idea if you don't want to get pregnant condoms or the pill till you want to try I made my husband use condoms till we wanted to try and he bitched and complained that hes was the only husband that had to and blah blah I'm id him to bad when we want a baby then you don't have to so just be safe till your ready
Christopher  Smith Profile
Christopher Smith , Christopher Smith (Medical Director), answered

Yes you can get pregnant again after abortion. It is recommended to use birth controls or contraceptives if you do not want to get pregnant. In case you want to conceive than wait for at least two weeks after abortion. As women is susceptible to bacterial infections after abortion for one week.

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