Your in for three weeks of withdrawal hell. Its a wolf in sheeps clothing, if anyone is thinking of starting suboxone do not do it. Just withdrawal from the opiates with your doctors help or go to rehab. DO NOT LET AN ADDICTION DOC PUT YOU ON THIS MEDICATION IT IS HARDER TO GET OFF OF THAN THE OPIATES YOUR ADDICTED TO. IT CLOGS ALL OF YOUR HAPPY BRAIN RECEPTORS AND WILL NOT LET GO UNTIL YOU STOP! Addiction doctors want you to get on this medication because its a nightmare to get off, you will be their cash cow. Think about it. If they really gave a crap they would recommend re-hab, support groups, etc. NOT ANOTHER HIGHLY ADDICTIVE MEDICATION THAT IS HORRIBLE. I HAVE BEEN THROUGH IT. I have wasted years of my life on this medication. DON'T DO IT.
Suboxone saved my life. If I didn't get put on it, I would probably be dead from heroin. Nuff' said.