
How Does Alcohol Affect An Unborn Child?


2 Answers

Leanne Whitaker Profile
Leanne Whitaker answered
There is no safe time to drink alcohol nor is there a safe amount during pregnancy. Alcohol can harm a baby for life. Alcohol that is drunk by mothers during pregnancy can seriously affect the health and development of the unborn child.

They will have signs of harm when they are born, such as weighing less and having unusual facial features.

These babies go on to have a delay in their development and learning and behaviour problems

Most babies affected by alcohol have serious life long disabilities without all the features of FAS. These babies are said to have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Alcohol  (or also drugs) that a pregnant  woman consumes affects the unborn child very easily.
It enters the woman's blood after she drinks it.  Then naturally the mixed blood enters the
placenta right into the unborn baby.    When the baby is born, most of the babies show withdrawal
simtems, simular to grown people when they suddenly stop drinking alcohol  or taking
drugs.   Seesee

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