
How Much Should My Baby Weigh When I'm 28 Weeks Pregnant?


12 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
When you are 28 weeks pregnant, your baby should be about 1kg in weight and it can be up to 38cm in length.
The 28 week point is the start of your third trimester. This is your last trimester and will run to anything up to week 42 when the baby will usually be induced so that it is born healthy and not too overdue. It is not healthy for a baby to be more than two weeks overdue, in the same way that it is not healthy for it to be born too prematurely. In your third trimester, most pregnant women will gain approximately 5kg in weight.
The baby will have fully formed nails at this point too which is a recent occurrence at this point.
The baby will be able to open its eyes and will also have eyelashes at this point. It will be able to turn its neck towards the outside of your tummy when there is a bright light and will now be able to react to this light by opening and closing the eyes.
It will also have fully formed bones, although these will still be soft. The bones of a baby will be soft until after it is born.
At this stage in pregnancy, you should be drinking 1.5 litres of water each day and should be eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. It is recommended that you should take supplements for these nutrients if this is something you feel that you are lacking. Do always ask your doctor about taking any medicines or vitamins when you are pregnant and make sure that this is necessary. Your doctor may also do tests to work out if you are lacking in any vitamins or nutrients.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just had an ultrasound today at 28w2d and our baby weighs approximately 2 1/2lbs, which is exactly what I heard it should be.  Sites say anywhere between 2.2lbs and 3lbs is normal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
3 pounds or close to it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just went in today, & my baby weighs 3 1/2 lbs. The doctor said that was perfectly fine though. They are more concerned when the baby is under weight.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 29 weeks and babys weight is 1lb 10oz he is being monitered should I be worried??
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The average is 2.22 lbs at 28 weeks, but it is normal for it to be off substantially. I am 28 weeks and was told that my little one is at 3 lbs 2 oz.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
At 28 weeks your baby should weigh 2.9 pounds and 10.6 inches
Dalia Jesse Profile
Dalia Jesse answered

I had an ultrasound at 28 weeks 5 days, my baby was 2.15 pounds. My midwife said that baby at 28 weeks should weigh between 2 and 3 pounds.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 28 weeks pregnant and my baby weighs 3lb1oz they told me this when I went for  a 4D scan the doctor says its average is usually 2lb8oz
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 28 weeks and 4 days and I was told my little bundle of joy weighs 2lbs 14 oz. I read that they are usually around the 3lb mark.

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