No I wouldnt suggest that use a tampon it would be way more sanitary.
I wouldn't recommend it. If you use a pad its just going to absorb water and if you leak the blood will end up in the water and not in the pad. Using a tampon would be the best bet or just don't go swimming.
You also don't want to risk the chance of the pad disintegrating in the water and little pieces floating out. You also don't want your blood leaking out into the water. A tampon is the way to go.
No the water will be absorbed onto the pad, the ad gets soggy, then the pad starts to get bigger and bigger and BIGGER!
I wouldn't recommend that. Pads Absorbs Blood, So it sure can Absorb Water too, and If it absorbs water, your pad will get real wet, and blood will start running into the water, and not onto your pad. It would be really disgusting, haha! If you want to go swimming wear a Tampon, if you don't know how to use it, ask a parent, older sister, any relatives, they will certainly help you. If you don't feel comfortable sticking a tampon into you, then don't go swimming at all, its only a few days, and you will be off your period again for about a month, so choose safely ! :)
hope I helped!
hope I helped!
Yes you can just layer your clothing like put bikini bottoms on and attach a pad then put a pair of shorts