It could just be the star of your period give it a day or so and make sure to have sanitary towels ready or tampons , take care
The brown stuff could be you shedding your uteral lineing. But if it continues go to your OB/GYN.
It could be your period, hard to say for sure, how old are you? Have you had infections in the past where your discharge was this color? I would imagine that since you are asking this question, that you might be between 11 & 14.
I would talk to your mother or an Aunt or an adult that you trust not to make a huge deal out of this. For your first period, I do not recommend that you use a tampon, use pads, though they can be uncomfortable, the tampon could be very bad for your system at this age, and especially since it is indeed your first period. Hope this helps, good luck honey.
I would talk to your mother or an Aunt or an adult that you trust not to make a huge deal out of this. For your first period, I do not recommend that you use a tampon, use pads, though they can be uncomfortable, the tampon could be very bad for your system at this age, and especially since it is indeed your first period. Hope this helps, good luck honey.
It seems that it could be either, is your period usually pretty regular, and is it time for your period. But it could defiantly be either.