You can lose 40-47 lbs a month..
everyday you've to have a breakfast ( compulsory )
it must be containing : An orange - 2 boiled eggs
1st day : LUNCH : A fruit of any kind and in any quantity
DINNER : Grilled meat - salad
2nd day : LUNCH : Grilled chicken - orange - tomato
DINNER : 2 bolied eggs - orange - toast
3rd day : LUNCH : Free fat cheese - toast - tomato
DINNER : Grilled meat
4th day : LUNCH : A fruit of any kind and in any quantity
DINNER : Grilled meat - salad
5th day : LUNCH : 2 boiled eggs - bolied vegies
DINNER : Grilled fish - orange - salad
6th day : LUNCH : A fruit of any kind and in any quantity
DINNER : Grilled meat - salad
7th day : LUNCH : Grilled chicken - boiled vegies - tomato - orange
DINNER : Boiled vegies
NOTES:: When you feel hungry, you can eat cocumber ..
you've to walk an hour daily..
good luck . Hope I'll help you ..
You don't have to stay away from junk food at all; but be sure to indulge in moderation. Balance everything out!!
You don't necessarily have to start exercising like a maniac (it isn't a good idea, especially if you're body isn't used to it). Instead of taking the bus or getting a ride try walking to your destination.
1- Take a half a glass of COLD water
2- Take half a lemon and squeeze the juice out without pulp or seeds
3- Add 2 table spoons of PURE Maple Syrup
4- Add a pinch of ground ginger or Cayenne Pepper
6- Add another half a glass of water and STIR
7- Drink 6-8 times a day
- Exercise regularly
- Brisk walk or jog for at least 30 minutes every day.
- Drink lots of water at least 16 glass per day
- Avoid high fiber and high calorie food such as rice, bread, junk food etc
- Eat lots of green vegetables and fruits instead
- Add protein as a substitute to your food.
What I am trying to say is that just eat healthily and take a record of what you eat. Also at least try to do some exercise and keep busy it will make you less bored then less likely to eat rubbish!
It's not going to be easy but I am determined to get at least 28 pounds off and then work on building muscle!! Good luck everyone and remember the weight is not going to come off unless you eat, sleep and exercise well!!!! So work for it and set a goal then that way nothing will get in your (our) way!! X
Like my dad always tells me
Its easy to put weight on , but its hard trying to take it offf
Good luck hun (:
P.s Try not to become obsessive with trying to lose weight !
Your still a growing girl (:
I'm suffering on my weight
everyday I ry to exercise but I'm lazy
I weight 70 kg which is a lot for my age ,my mum always tells me to exersize with her but I'd rather stay home and watch tv, I'm trying my best to eat healthy I just started on dieting and I think that instead I feel hungry instaed so what do you think I should do
Honestly there is no crash diet or fad that ever lasts. If you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off you need a total lifestyle change. I have been following fat loss factor which combines specific circuit training routines and a diet that speeds up your metabolism and burns fat, and am down 8lbs in 3 weeks. However it is no miracle and requires dedication, but if you stick to it you will shed weight and the safe way. Check out the review here, and good luck!
By doing a lot of exercises (especially cardio) and if you have a great diet, then you can lose a lot of weight.
You should eat low-calorie food. High calorie food is not recommended to lose weight lose. Fruits, vegetables etc are important to stay in your expected weight. Fruit contains fiber to help you feel full
quickly and vegetables for nutrition and to help you fill up more quickly.
Don't eat too much at a time. But don't skip your breakfast. Divide your meal into a few parts of the day. Running, swimming , dancing , walking fast etc are some basic exercise to lose weight. Exercise can burn your fat.
The teenage years, especially for girls, are often fraught with concerns about body shape and measuring up to peers, which can lead some teens to take drastic measures to lose weight.
1. Follow the basic rules of healthy eating
- Breakfast: Carbohydrates, fruit, protein
- Lunch: Veggies, protein
- Dinner: Protein, veggies, carbohydrates
- Snacks: Fruit, veggies, protein
2. Try yoga or Pilates
- Hatha Yoga
- Vinyasa Yoga
- Bikram Yoga
3. Invest in sports or hobbies that burn calories
there! Two months is pretty limited, but you can definitely try something! I
need to warn you that it will cost to see real results in such a short time.
Your best bet is to get a personal trainer! He will monitor your nutrition and
put you on convenient levels of exercise. You will have to stick to the
allocated routine and do as he/she says!
At 15 yrs old .. I find it hard to believe that you don't already know there is a difference between losing weight quickly and losing weight in a healthy manner. Losing weight is not the same as losing fat.
Losing a few pounds by starving yourself (for example) doesn't reduce fat as much as it causes severe dehydration and damage to internal organs and the brain. Although you can see a distinct difference when you stand on the scale .. Keep in mind its WATER weight that you've lost, not fat.
If you want to lose weight then don't be afraid to use a little common sense. Eat portionate to your energy exertion. Drink plenty of water. Avoid high sugar foods/drinks, fats and salt/sodium (or any derivative) AND .. Get a proper amount of sleep every night.
I would highly recommend you this new secret wonderful & healthy
method which helped me a lot! I'm using it too and it's going great
till now!
Here is the INFO:
New Proven Red Tea Detox Program That Will Help You Lose Weight!You need to discover the Secret West African Red Tea!
Proven to Stop Hunger Cravings in Their Tracks & Help You Melt Away up to 1 Pound of FAT Every 72 HOURS!
The legend said:
An African Shaman possessed an ancient recipe for a delicious red tea so
powerful that whoever drank it felt unlimited energy - with no thirst
and no hunger.
It sounded crazy, and yet I was absolutely dying to find out the truth.
Could drinking this red tea really make someone never feel hungry?
You can t buy this tea blend in the store because it s still mostly a
secret. In fact, I m literally the first person in America who s ever
brought it back from Africa, and if I hadn t gotten out of that jungle
alive, you wouldn t be hearing about it today.
But don t worry, because you can actually find all the ingredients you
need at any grocery store. You might even have them in your house right
now. And the tea works like magic. You feel full, satisfied, and
energized almost instantly, and your body will actually activate its
natural ability to burn fat, a built-in superpower you might not have
used in years.
Additionally, absolutely anyone can use it! Regardless of your age,
gender, or health. While you should always check with a physician you
trust before making any life changes, this detox has been proven to be
safe, effective, and simple. You can drink this tea to detox your body
and shed 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 pounds or more, just like I did.
The difference in my body was truly astonishing: I lost 14 pounds in just a few weeks.
Check out THIS video below to get all information you need:
Explore more articles on a topic here, guys.
I always get made fun of... And I really hate it,I need a weight loss plan!
My brother in law is really into the whole working out process.
He has told me that after every meal drink a glass of water;
with two table spoons of apple cider vinegar. It helps you go to
the restroom which helps you get rid of wastes. If you do that and work out daily then results should come fast. Its hard to keep up with it because of the taste but you will see and feel better.
Try this stuff.... CLA Safflower Oil - My girlfriend raves about it!
I'm supposed to be 95-100 range. If your wondering why, she said it's because
I have a very tiny waist, but my shoulders and face are a little chubby and I have
big thighs. I have stretch marks in between my thighs and legs. I don't know if its cellulite,
but I don't know how to get rid of it, I've tried cocoa butter, but it doesn't seem to work
for me. Do any of you know how I could lose like about 10 lbs and get rid of my marks?
If you do, please let me know. My doctor said if I don't lose weight now, then I won't grow
because I have extra fat on my body.