I believe you have all the right symptoms for pregnancy. The implantation bleeding really is of brownish, pinkish color. Home pregnancy tests can often be negative at such early stages. So I suggest take a professional test after seeing a gynaecologist. I think there are 90% chances that you are pregnant.
Missed Period, Abdominal Cramping, Brownish Mucus Discharge, Dizziness/faintness, And Nausea But Negative Pregnancy Test. Is It To Early To Tell? Could I Really Be Pregnant?
I had these exact sympthoms and it turned out that I had an ectopic pregnancy. I fainted and was sent to the ER where they did an emergency salpingectomy. It turned out I was over 6 weeks pregnant. You should go to a doctor as soon as you have these kinds of sympthoms. If not, you can suffer from internal bleeding, shock, and death if not treated.
My period is late and experiencing some abdominal cramping and clear discharge and tender breast but negative pregnancy test
If your period is late then the test should give an accurate result if you did it right. You could do another to check or see a doctor.