If you're looking for the best and safest way to lose weight fast...
First of all...you're going to want to adopt a diet of no less than 1,200 calories (if we're talking safe)...
Secondly...you're going to want to do about 1 hour of cardio each day on an elliptical so you can burn an additional 500 calories each day which amounts to 3,500/week, just enough to burn another 1 pound/week.
One other thing you can do is do this using the intermittent fasting protocol...this will allow you to maximize your fat loss during the fasting periods, avoid plateaus and allow you to feel relatively satiated even while dieting down.
Basically, fast for 16 hours and fit all your meals in an 8 hour window...During the fast, you can have sugar free gum, celery or 1-2 cups of coffee with very little milk/sugar (no more than 50 calories).
As for the rest of your food..make sure to eat predominantly vegetables and lean meats along with 1-2 fruits/day.
You could also throw in a handful of nuts at each meal, they will help keep you full longer as well.
Also, drink a lot of water...8 glasses at least.
This system explains everything in more detail.